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Mod. 5.2 - The Conventional Paradigm (In Your Words)

You've read about The Conventional Paradigm and observed and reflected on how it shows up in your life. Using the Conventional Paradigm, In Your Words Worksheet (or your own journal/g-doc), write brief descriptions for each of the elements of the Conventional Paradigm in your own words. Add words or expressions in the boxes next to each element that make sense to you, or that represent triggers for that element.

You might find that the same word(s) fit in more than one box. That makes sense, as the elements are all interconnected and interdependent. This is your Conventional Paradigm. You are encouraged to add, revise, or refine this over time.


The Conventional Paradigm in My Words


Nice things; Rare items; Treasured masterpieces; Time-honored classics; Act now; Get it while the gettin’s good; Don’t be a sucker; People gotta eat, right?


He’s so brilliant; Why would we look at what someone else is doing? I know what’s best for us; Others cannot be trusted; I don’t understand why we would collaborate or partner?


I don’t understand why we would collaborate or partner?; If we don’t do it now, someone else will; You’ve really got something here; Don’t be a sucker; Act now; Their loss is our gain;


Get it while the gettin’s good; People gotta eat, right?; I work so hard, I deserve this; Sorry not sorry; I just don’t see things that way; That’s just your opinion; Isn’t this why we work so hard?


Stay in your lane; I didn’t get here by accident; This is how we’ve always done things; If it ain’t broke don’t fix it; I just don’t see things that way; I must be doing something right.


If you’re not going up, you’re going down; My way or the highway; Others cannot be trusted; If it ain’t broke don’t fix it; Well that works for them, but we are different; Allow me to give you some advice.

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