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Reflection on Values Workshop Presentation

This component of your capstone is designed to give you the opportunity to share learning from the program (while perhaps putting your own spin on things). Thus, it needs to be clear (to me) how this participatory learning experience relates to some module or thematic or process that you encountered in this program.

Please be sure to include in your Learning Portfolio the plan for your workshop and a reflection on the experience. In addition, please submit a 250-word (minimum) reflection addressing the following prompts:

  • How did the workshop go relative to your plans / expectations?

  • If you collaborated with others, speak to how well the collaboration worked, including the sharing of responsibility / work on the workshop.

  • If you could change anything about this workshop, what would you change?

  • What was the most successful aspect of this workshop?



How did the workshop go relative to your plans / expectations?

From my vantage point, the workshop went better than I had expected. It also went well according to our group’s revised plan, which we finalized after we met in person leading up to the workshop and had a chance to incorporate the feedback we received from Diane. She encouraged us to be more intentional about making space and time for attendees to share and engage with the Schwartz Values Framework and intersperse activities that would retain a high level of engagement throughout the workshop. This feedback proved invaluable and also relieved a great deal of pressure during the workshop, because it allowed us to engage participants rather than talk their ears off. Said another way, doing is better than telling.

If you collaborated with others, speak to how well the collaboration worked, including the sharing of responsibility / work on the workshop.

I collaborated with Cara Pomponio and Sara Nephew to plan and execute the workshop. Each of us were drawn to the topic of values as the subject for designing and executing a workshop, and we were able to align each of our individual goals and interests into our plan. A person’s values appear in all kinds of circumstances and contexts. Cara’s focus was on how values appear in the workplace, Sara’s focus was on how values appear in community with others, and my focus was on how values appear in familial and personal relationships. By looking at the topic of values through each of these lenses, we created multiple points of entry for participants to consider the topic and engage with the framework. In advance of the workshop, Cara provided very helpful insights on how to present the topic and what activities might be most engaging based on her experience applying the Schwartz Values Framework with her coworkers during her community capstone project. Sara signed up for Common Causes’ Values workshop and was able to share recommendations on structure and elements to focus on, and I organized all of the information together and edited it inside of our group’s slide deck adding in our group’s content, graphics, and the workshop agenda. Since Cara and Sara had each engaged in a workshop setting around the Schwartz Values framework, my novice perspective allowed me to ask clarifying questions where there were ambiguous elements that arose while we were designing the workshop.

If you could change anything about this workshop, what would you change?

I am not sure I would change anything about the workshop. Our participants felt very comfortable sharing their thoughts on the topic and engaged at a very high level throughout. Afterwards, each one shared their appreciation and noted how much they gained from the workshop. I received one piece of critical feedback that we had a bit of a bumpy start, which I believe we can improve with more experience and practice.

What was the most successful aspect of this workshop?

For me, the most successful aspect of the workshop was the collaboration between me, Cara and Sara and how we each represented our individual goals and collaborated with each other to integrate all of them into the workshop’s design. By working together, and refining each other’s individual contributions, we were able to execute a meaningful and impactful workshop experience for our attendees as was demonstrated by their compliments and feedback at the end of the session.

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